Ibrahim K
  • English
Lehrer & Kurs
218 Lektion erledigt
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  • Türkisch
  • English
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  • Türkisch

I am an ex Business Manager from London, very outgoing and love to socialise. I keep up to date with what is happening around the world and have a lot of interest in football and technology. Previously I have managed businesses, offices, bars and restaurants where I have met many amazing people. I do the same with teaching on mYngle. I am a very passionate person in everything I do, I am a keen learner and always crave for new information.

Erfahrung mit Offline-Unterricht: 2

Erfahrung mit Online-Unterricht: 2

As well as teaching online with mYngle I have taught people from all over the world from different backgrounds and with different aims. Business has been the main focus of my lessons.


Leadership Skills & Team building events

Von: Corporate TB and Skills

Leadership Skills & Team building events

Von: Corporate TB and Skills
Sprache: Englisch
Niveau: Mittelstufe
Stunden: 10
MYNGLE Leadership skills training are effective and powerful courses delivered in a dynamic, emotionally engaging class, with strong and ready-to-use tools, where each single step has bee...
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